Making the days long speculations true, the Telugu Desam Party has appointed the Telangana TDP’s Kodangal MLA Revanth Reddy as the party’s working president for the Telangana state. In the wake of TDP spreading its roots as a national party, the party’s central committee’s president, Nara Chandrababu Naidu, appointed the new committee members for the Telugu states just a while ago.
Revanth’s appointment once again proves his command in the region and also Chandrababu’s trust in his leadership abilities in handling the Telangana cadres, despite the ongoing investigations by the ACB in the cash for vote scandal. Senior party leader from the region, L Ramana, has been appointed President of T-TDP.
And for the party’s AP committee, Kala Venkatrao has been made the president, while Nara Lokesh, MP Konakalla Narayana and Revuri Prakash Reddy have been appointed Chief Secretaries of the central committee, which constitutes of 7 leaders from Telangana and 9 leaders from AP as the politburo members.
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