Now, Universities Offering Selfie Courses


The craze for taking the perfect and amazing selfies is growing among the smartphone users. Noticing this craze, several reputed American universities are offering special courses to teach the art of clicking the right selfies. The University of Southern California introduced a Selfie course titled ‘Selfie Class’ in its curriculum.

Professor Mark C. Marino, the head teacher of the Selfie course, said that selfies are a “cultural artefact”. In the course, the students will be trained to critically analyze how selfies reflect and affect the global culture and the society’s influence on self identity.

The University of California, Los Angeles, also offers a similar course titled ‘Selfies, Snapchat, and CyberBullies: Coming of Age Online’ in its Digital Humanities department. Another professor at the Indiana University Northwest is exploring the science of selfies in a 400 level class. Here, students get to research and discuss the art of selfies and the questions the selfies raise about the society.

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