Ram Charan Tej should be thankful to his arch rival NTR for saving him from the debts of the producer Bandla Ganesh. We are not talking about any personal debts since Charan is rich kid, rather its about producer Ganesh who has piled up huge debts since both his film “Iddaramayilitho” and “Badshah” went over budget and reportedly 10 crore of debts.
Usually, financiers pounce on the producer,(remember financiers sitting outside Bellamkonda office before ‘Rabhasa’), during the release of a big star film of a particular producer. In this case of Ganesh, they would have pounced on him for “Govindu..” and would have halted its release, to retrieve their amounts, but Gabbar Singh producer tactfully announced another big film (NTR-Puri), so financiers would be content with partial clearing of dues and remaining burden would fall on NTR again.
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