Young Tiger NTR seem to be on a signing spree these days. Two of his films – Baadshah and Harish Shankar movie are on sets and now he had launched his third. The movie directed by Kandireega fame Santosh Srinivas was launched a short while ago in Annapurna Studios. NTR sounded the clap board on god photos for the opening shot and Srinu Vaitla switched on the camera. Nandini Reddy, Vamsi Paidipally, VV Vinayak, Srinu Vaitla, Koratala Siva, Dil Raju, Ram Achanta, Gopinath Achanta, SV Krishna Reddy, Atchi Reddy, Boyapati Srinu and Meher Ramesh had attended the launch and wished the movie unit for success.
The movie is tentatively titled ‘Rabhasa’. The regular shooting of the movie will begin from May 16 and the makers are aiming for Sankranthi 2014 release. Samantha will be pairing up with NTR in this movie. Devi Sri Prasad will be scoring music for this movie. Bellamkonda Suresh will be producing this movie under his Sri Lakshmi Narasimha productions banner.
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