Sudheer Babu’s upcoming film ‘Sammohanam’ is releasing on June 15th. The film is an out and out romantic drama. It’s well known that Sudheer has launched his own production house named Sudheer Productions.
Today, Sudheer took to his social networking page and said that he will reveal the title and other details of his maiden home production soon. But we have exclusively learnt that the film has been titled Nannu Dochukunduvate. Interestingly, Nannu Dochukunduvate is an iconic song from legendary actor NT Ramarao’s 1962 film ‘Gulebakavali Katha’.
Sudheer’s maiden film as a producer has already wrapped up its shoot. But he kept everything about the movie under wraps since this film too is a romantic drama like Sammohanam and he didn’t want to confuse audiences.
Rajasekhar has directed Nannu Dochukunduvate. Kannada starlet Nabha Natesh is the film’s heroine.
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