NTR has gone dapper last night at Mahanati event and many are wondering how he will look for his next with Rajamouli. Though there were rumors that NTR is busy chiseling his body for Trivikram’s film, it is actually for the multi-starrer with Ram Charan in Rajamouli’s direction.
NTR’s Zimbabwean fitness trainer Lloyd Stevens is wrapping up from Hyderabad and showered lots of praises on the star. Llyod even revealed that the duo achieved their expectations because of Tarak’s un-relentless work ethic.
Rumors had it that NTR has lost more than 15 kilos during this training. Is that the ‘expectation’ Stevens talking about or a surprise under wraps like six or eight pack? Lloyd is not ready to reveal that now but is waiting like us all for NTR’s new look to be revealed.
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