Power Star Pawan Kalyan is an enigma. Even the minute detail about the star is a big news and makes his die-hard fans go frenzy, berserk. With Pawan turning 44 this Wednesday (Sep 2), media and fans are going gungho about the birthday plans of Pawan. However, keeping everyone in surprise, Pawan has left to a mysterious place along with his close-knit family.
Neither his very close aides nor any of his team knows where Pawan Kalyan is celebrating his birthday. Only his family members are aware of where he is and it has been kept under wraps. All one knows is that Pawan is spending quality time with family this birthday and away from grand gala celebrations. However, this is not first time for Pawan. Reliable sources say he has been like this right from his childhoood.
“Pawan doesn’t like to meet anyone usually on his birthday. He doesn’t wish to be part of celebrations, greetings, wishes. That’s why he goes off to a place along with family without informing anyone. For two days he doesn’t wish to be seen or to interact with people,” said highly-placed source close to Pawan adding that even he doesn’t know where Pawan is. Once he returns, he would join the shoot of his next Sardaar Gabbar Singh in which he has put his heart, soul.
Pawan Kalyan is taking care of each and every minute detail about Sardaar as this film is very close to his heart. From script to costumes, thoughts come from him and others implement them or develop them further by giving finishing touch, add the sources.
It’s buzzed that Pawan will be looking stylish ever in the Gabbar Singh franchise and he has taken special care for it. What’s more? The teaser of Sardaar Gabbar Singh would be released by producer Sharrath Marar at 12 AM on Sep 2 which is expected to be Pawan’s gift to his fans on the eve of his 44th birthday.
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