Sudhir Babu’s next, Krishnamma Kalipindhi Iddarini is all set for a grand release this Friday. The movie was recently screened to some bigwigs of the industry and it is said to be an outright disaster. It is said that angry Sudhir Babu sent an SMS to the producer Lagadapati Sridhar that the movie is going to be a big disaster.
Going in to the issue, it is said that Lagadapati Sridhar totally fingered in to all the departments of the film and made a complete mess of it. Even between the film, Sudhir Babu differed with Lagadapati on this issue but the producer finally had his say.
But the end result will be seen as a disaster against Sudhir Babu’s name. He was very disturbed after watching the movie output and said to have sent such SMS to the producer. Sudhir Babu has no decent hit after Prema Katha Chitram. He is currently playing a crucial role in a Bollywood film titled, Baaghi.
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