Bollywood beauty Parineeti Chopra has fallen in love with Aam Aadmi Party MP Raghav Chadda and got married in September. After having a foreign trip together, Parineeti had a girls’ trip too and amazed everyone with her dazzling clicks. Parineeti is enjoying her newly married life whilst still making her presence felt in social media.
The mesmerizing lady seems to be revisiting the memories of her girls’ trip to Maldives. She came up with some vibrant clicks in those scenic locations. The ‘Ishaqzaade’ actress looks pretty chill in these photos. We can see her riding a bicycle at a resort and chilling out near the pool area. Dressed in a monokini, Parineeti has a great time in Maldives and what’s even more beautiful is the fact that she was accompanied by her mom and mother-in-law
She says, “The coolest throwback is when you go for a girls’ trip that includes your Mom and Mom-in-law! Also, a special thanks to Waldorf Astoria for being so welcoming and so hospitable! We are dying to come back.”
Parineeti Chopra is one actress who started off her career on a very promising note but never reached the expected heights. Her acting skills were lauded right from the very first film but her bad script selection cost her a lot. It has been a long time since she scored a hit. Her last outing ‘Mission Ranigunj’ too was a commercial failure. Her upcoming release is ‘Amar Singh Chamkila’ and she is waiting for interesting offers to come her way.
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