Telangana Chief KCR is winning the hearts of Telugu people wherever they may be. Sometime ago, it was the turn of KTR to give a helping hand for a suffering old man ‘Vedam’ fame Nagayya from Andhra Pradesh and now KCR has done the same when he found the story of Pavala Shyamala published in a popular newspaper so touching.
Pavala Shyamala is a senior most stage and film artist who acted in numerous films. During her career journey, she won plenty of awards but situations changed when health issues started to trouble her along with a crippled daughter becoming one more burden. With no financial strength to pay house rent or get the daily bread, Shyamala slowly started to sell-off her awards and even developed suicidal tendencies giving a call to KCR through a newspaper.
Telangana Chief Minister went so soft and emotional on Shyamala ordering the officials to bring Shyamala before him. He sanctioned an immediate financial assistance of Rs. 20, 000 along with granting monthly pension of Rs, 10, 000 and a two BHK house. Shyamala went into tears with KCR gesture. Pawan Kalyan was the first to help Pavala Shyamala some time ago paying her Rs. 1 Lakh for surgery and one more lakh is donated by Power Star Fans.
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