Union Government has set the record straight with its statement in Lok Sabha regarding the Special Status issue. In response to a question by Jharkhand MP, Union Minister of State for Statistics and Programme Implementation Rao Inderjit Singh conveyed that there is no question of according Special Category Status to any new state in the current circumstances. This statement only irked TDP MPs who kept saying since the past 14 months that Centre is considering Special Status for AP.
While responding to the tricky questions of media persons, JC Diwakar Reddy said: “Even Pawan Kalyan wants Special Category Status. What did he say? TDP MPs are good for nothing! What should we do other than pleading the Centre, staging protests & disrupting the Parliament proceedings? If he isn’t happy with our efforts, Let him do what he is capable of doing and we are willing to move ahead in that direction”.
To a query on Jagan’s deeksha for Special Status, JC replied people aren’t fools to get deceived by the tricks of Political Leaders and it will be of no use at all.
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