Speaking to the farmers in Sirivella in the Nandyal district on Sunday, Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan compared Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy’s rule to that of the emergency imposed during the rule of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. He said that all the opposition parties in the country came together to defeat the Congress back then, and he expects the same to happen now.
Pawan said that the opposition parties in AP should come together, irrespective of their personal feelings, to oust the YSRCP and to make situations in AP better. Pawan also said that he’s hoping that the people would recognise and realise the mistakes that the YSRCP government did, and notice the kind of situation that the government put the state in. He said that it is only through the people that change can happen.
The Jana Sena leader also said that it doesn’t matter who comes to power, as long as it is not the YSRCP, and as not as long as the party that does come to power works in the interest of the people of the state. He said that he would continue to work for the people of the state nevertheless.
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