In a surprising turn of events, renowned actor Allu Arjun was arrested and later released on bail in connection with the controversial Sandhya Theatre incident, which has since become one of the most hotly debated topics across the Telugu states. The issue continues to dominate public discourse, drawing widespread attention and reactions from various public figures.
Among the latest to address the matter is Andhra Pradesh’s Deputy Chief Minister, Pawan Kalyan, who shared his views in a straightforward manner. While he refrained from attributing blame to any particular individual or entity, Pawan Kalyan emphasized the need for a more amicable approach from Allu Arjun regarding the incident. Referring to the actor’s response, Pawan Kalyan stated, “Gotitho poyyedanni goddali daaka techukunnaru,” suggesting that either Allu Arjun or someone from his team should have promptly offered support and consoled the affected family immediately after the incident.
Pawan Kalyan also expressed his approval of the manner in which Chief Minister Revanth Reddy handled the situation, noting that the CM’s response was balanced and considerate. “The CM was considerate enough to support the industry with benefit shows and regulated ticket prices. When it came to law and order, he acted impartially, reinforcing that no one, not even a cinema hero, is above the law,” Pawan Kalyan remarked.
Reflecting on the legal consequences that followed, the Deputy Chief Minister asserted that had he been in a similar position, he would not have contested the case, considering the gravity of the incident. He also dismissed the claim that Allu Arjun’s arrest was linked to any personal animosity, specifically the notion that it stemmed from forgetting Revanth Reddy’s name.
Drawing a comparison with the past, Pawan Kalyan recalled how his brother, actor Chiranjeevi, would often attend film screenings with fans, but he took precautions to avoid undue attention, such as employing camouflage measures to cover his identity.
Overall, Pawan Kalyan’s remarks reflect a call for greater sensitivity and professionalism in handling such incidents, while also underlining the importance of adhering to the rule of law.
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