Powerstar Pawan Kalyan has extended his ‘get well soon’ wishes for Vice-President M Venkaiah Naidu who tested positive for the novel coronavirus. Naidu underwent a Covid-19 test on Tuesday morning and was found to be infected with the dreaded virus. Currently, he is under home quarantine, trying to recover under the advice of a team of doctors. Naidu, who is also the Rajya Sabha Chairman, recently presided over the monsoon session of Parliament
‘Get well soon’ wishes are pouring in from politicians and celebrities. The latest one to join the list is actor-turned-politician Pawan Kalyan, who extended his heart-felt wishes for Naidu’s quick recovery.
Here is his tweet:
మన భారత దేశ –
గౌరవ ఉప రాష్ట్రపతి ‘శ్రీ వెంకయ్య నాయుడుగారు ‘ కరోనా నుంచి త్వరగా కోలుకోవాలని ఆ ఏడుకొండల వాడిని కోరుకుంటున్నాను.?
@VPSecretariat— Pawan Kalyan (@PawanKalyan) September 30, 2020
Union ministers and BJP leaders including Nitin Gadkari, Nirmala Sitharaman and Dharmendra Pradhan wished the vice-president a speedy recovery.
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