Ram Gopal Varma had to face the strong ire of Pawan Kalyan fans and they went on to an extent of circulating ‘Rest In Peace RGV’ pictures on social networking sites. As the part of his late night tweets saga, RGV quizzed a couple of days ago, why Pawan Kalyan has only 6 Lakhs followers while Mahesh Babu has over 15 Lakhs followers.
He doubted whether it means Mahesh is a bigger star than Pawan Kalyan, which led to fan wars and debates on twitter. The difference of opinion led to heated discussions on twitter, which RGV went on to prolong with his series of tweets. RGV, who came across Pawan Kalyan fans’ RIP tweets, again took to twitter to kindle Pawan fans, which is now further increasing the rage.
RGV, claims to be Mega Power Fan, requested PK to educate and enlighten his fans and made fun of English used in the pictures by Pawan fans. He even asked Mahesh Babu fans to help Pawan fans in educating and asked Pawan fans to at least learn from Mahesh fans. Read all his tweets.
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