Hero Nithin’s upcoming movie “Gunde Jari Galanthayindhe” is going to hit the screen soon and recent release of its audio has acquired a good response. It is known to everyone that Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s “Emainado Emo Ee Vela” song from 1998 super hit movie “Tholi Prema” is remix in Nithin’s GJG. Latest news is that movie Nikitha had to spend more than a crore to buy the rights from music director.
A new comer Isha Talwar is going to make her filmy debut in this movie. This film has Nitin (hero), Nitya Menen (Heroine), Sudhakar Reddy (producer) and Anup Rubens (music director) from Ishq movie. Andrew handles cinematography. Vijay Kumar Konda is making his debut as director with this movie.
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