Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s next movie under the direction of Trivikram Srinivas is currently being shot in Hyderabad. The regular shooting began last week in Hyderabad and since then is being shot in Westin Hotel, Madhapur. And now the entire unit will shift to Tamil Nadu in the first week of February. A fight sequence will be shot for 4 days in Coimbatore and the shooting then will shift to Pollachi for a 15 day schedule.
Hare Rama Hare Krishna is the title under consideration for the movie. After Jalsa, Pawan Kalyan and Trivikram Srinivas team up for the second time in this action entertainer. Samantha will play the female lead role. The film is produced by BVSN Prasad under his Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra banner. Reliance Entertainment will be co-producing the movie. Devi Sri Prasad is composing the music.
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