Pawan Kalyan’s director to join hands with Vijay Deverakonda..?

Vijay Deverakonda was scheduled to work with Sukumar after the latter completed Allu Arjun’s Pushpa. But things took interesting turns as Sukumar decided to mount Pushpa in two parts. He will be occupied with Pushpa duology till the end of 2022 now.

This means that Vijay will have to materialize a project with some other director so that he doesn’t waste too much time after completing his ongoing project Liger.Now, it is said that Harish Shankar who will soon be helming Pawan Kalyan’s PSPK28 is interested in collaborating with Vijay Deverakonda for his next.

Dil Raju is orchestrating this project. If Vijay Deverakonda likes the script narrated by Harish Shankar, the project will be locked and officially announced soon after.Harish is now focusing on penning the right script that would suit Vijay Deverakonda’s image.

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