Pawan Mania is on its peak today as Pawan Kalyan is celebrating his birthday today. Known lovingly as Power Star, Pawan is the brother of Mega Star Chiranjeevi. Born on September 2nd, 1971 at Bapatla to Konidela Venkata Rao and Anjana Devi, Pawan created a niche and unmatched stardom in Tollywood with his performances on silver screen.
A trained martial artist and blakbelt in Karate he created a sensation on silver screen with films like Toli Prema, Tammudu, Khushi etc after making his debut with Akka Ammai Ikkada Abbayi. He after tasting continuous flops he rewrote all records with Gabbar Singh. Now he is coming with Attarintiki Daaredi.
Pawan Kalyan is a vegetarian and is highly influenced by Che Guevara, Jiddu Krishnamurti and Swami Vivekananda’s philosophy.Pawan Kalyan married Nandini, a Visakhapatnam resident, on 17 May 1997.Renu Desai worked as a costume designer for most of his films. The couple has two children, a son named Akira Nandan born in 2004 and a girl named Aadhya born in 2010.
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