Power Star Pawan Kalyan who launched Jana Sena before the last elections supported TDP-BJP combine. Though he addressed couple of political rallies after the elections he stayed away from media limelight.Sometimes his silence shocked many as he didnot respond to many burning issues.
Opposition targeted him on those occasions and only after lot of questions, Pawan used to respond.Many wondered whether he is a reluctant politician. Couple of days back he interacted with media following Sardar Gabbar Singh released and he spoke on various current issues.
After going through his answers, many feel that he is showing his true colors.On AP CM Chandra Babu Naidu he said ‘mixed reactions’ and this showed that he is planning to contest 2019 elections. On Telangana CM KCR he said he is hearing good things about his rule.
Many feel that at present KCR is enjoying full support of people and so refrained from making any comments adopting wait and watch policy. In Andhra Pradesh, since illegal mining is on, Pawan feels there is opportunity along with special status, special package for him to fight elections.
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