On occasion of Pawan Kalyan’s Birthday (2nd September), fans of the actor turned politician have decided to donate a fund of Rs 100 Crore for Jana Sena Party. Even though fans haven’t achieved the target, their attempt has fetched a positive result. Besides making hefty donation, fans of Pawan Kalyan broke the internet by making more than 1 Cr tweets (a worldwide trend) to wish their favorite man on Twitter.
Pawan Kalyan, who left movies for his political career, is totally flattered with what his fans have done for the party. In total, fans and party sympathisers donated around 3 Cr and showed their love for their leader. Reacting to it, Pawan Kalyan emotionally said: “On my birthday, close to 33,000 people donated around 3 Crore party fund. Each one might have given Rs 10 or 100 or 1000 or one lakh, but it is highly valuable and I will consider it as thousands of Crores”.
He further added, “This tells our strength and it did not just come from the movies. So, let’s take inspiration from it and continue to work for the people.”
For the matter of fact, the current day politics are so costly that a measly 3 Cr donation isn’t enough to run a party. Even for a candidate to win as an MLA, it is costing around 20+ Crore. But, considering that Pawan wants to do cashless politics, this is definitely a big achievement for him.
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