Pawan Kalyan said to have reacted on the Mahaa Murthy’s ‘Sting Operation’ on the fund raising by Janasena political party. Responding over the issue in the party’s internal meeting, Pawan said to have taken the issue lightly and asked the colleagues and fellow leaders to not to give much importance to such issues and not to be part of any unwanted controversies. Pawan simply asked to ignore such issues and told that ‘People will understand’.
Janasena party’s official spokesperson Vijay Babu stated that the party is ready to receive both brickbats and bouquets. He said party hasn’t responded on the issue officially. It said the party doesn’t want to trouble the individual journalist (Murthy).
P Vijay Babu opined that Murthy has given more mileage to Janasena by highlighting that the party is in dire need of funds. He said Janasena doesn’t get commissions from contractors or projects or from mining barons. He said now this would reach out to people who could voluntarily offer their funds to party.
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