Reacting strongly on the comments made by Akhila Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha which is planning to move Supreme Court to decalred that all item-girls in Hindi movies are prostitutes, Ram Charan’s ‘Zanjeer’ beauty Priyanka Chopra called them stupid and regressive acts.
“Even I would like to move Court to make those men who make blasphemous comment against women to wear skirts as they don’t really stand up for real causes but start targeting women for everything”, she fumed. Priyanka strongly voiced her opinion that women in the country needs to be respected and men of the country should defend for them.
“Women are not just for pleasure, sex or kitchen-mommies. They are also human beings as much men are”, she added. As many men are accusing that women’s dress including short skirts are responsible for rapes, Priyanka breathed fire again. “Are they indirectly saying that a girl wearing short skirt should be raped? A girl is raped because a man raped her but not anything”, she concluded.
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