Last year in May, sexy siren Disha Patani stunned India with her bikini look on Cosmopolitan Magazine’s cover page. Especially her hour-glass figure and that unlimited sex appeal in her eyes, won her all the attention. A year later, she does it again, with swag.
Slipping into Calvin Klein lingerie and flashing her voluptuous figure, Disha Patani dazzled on the latest edition of Cosmopolitan yet again. Riding high on the success of Baaghi 2, the hottie is giving sleepless nights to youths with her ravishing figure. And moreover, her comment on Tiger Shroff is getting all the attention.
She stated, “Tiger Shroff and I are not dating”, and that comes after the whole world has seen how the two spent cosy time on many occasions. Guess what, Disha is recently being spotted with a foreign model who is also a fitness trainer in Mumbai.
Ever since Baaghi 2 happened, it looks like Disha’s career is taking off big way as she now got chance to romance Salman Khan as a second fiddle in “Bharat”.
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