Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is all set to make her comeback to films with her upcoming Bollywood film, Jabzaa. The makers of the film are keeping Aish’s look in the movie under wraps to surprise everyone. On the other side, the 40s Mom had done a stunning photoshoot for popular Vogue Magazine and she is unbelievably hot in those pics.
Above picture is one from that photoshoot. In that magazine interview, Aish confirmed that it is not her comeback and she is just on maternity leave as every working women. All these years fans got to see her only in the public events and so advertisements.
It is said that Aish is effortlessly shot for the comeback film and the entire movie’s cast and crew is giving her a standing ovation every time. Aishwarya married actor Abhishek Bachchan and paused her career for maternity leave and later grooming her daughter Aaradhya. Fondly called as Beti B, Aaradhya is now three and so Aishwarya is kick starting her second innings.
Her last film was five years ago – 2010’s Guzaarish, directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and co-starring Hrithik Roshan. She is making her return to the big screen with Sanjay Gupta’s Jazbaa and she has lost oodles of post-pregnancy weight and is looking stunningly beautiful as ever. It is rumoured that she will be seen as a lawyer in the film.
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