Anushka Sharma, who is already wearing many hats in her life, tried her luck in rapping as well. She has rapped for the first time in a song from her upcoming film Phillauri. Anushka rapped the song ‘Naughty Billo’ while her co-star in the movie Diljit sung the song. The song has been launched by the duo on a singing reality show. The above is the sneak peek of Anushka and Diljit from the song ‘Naughty Billo’ in Phillauri.
Billed to be a romantic comedy, the film is about a young man (Suraj) meets a friendly spirit (Anushka Sharma) after he reluctantly marries a tree to prevent any threats to his love life. Suraj Sharma, who is quite popular with Life of Pi as Pi Patel, is seen in a significant role in the film that marks the directorial debut of Anshai Lal. Produced by Anushka and her brother Karan Sharma, the film is slated for March 24 release.
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