Taking a cue from the devastating stampede tragedy at the Rajahmundry Maha Pushkaralu, the Telangana state’s Minster of Irrigation and TRS leader Harish Rao has turned a traffic police at the Godavari River by one of the Pushkar ghats in Bhadrachalam, Khammam.
Harish Rao joined another senior TRS leader from Khammam, Tummala Nageswara Rao, to clear the traffic. Harish Rao interacted with the onduty police personnel via walkie-talkie and controlled the situation.
This is Telangana state’s maiden Pushkaralu and this being the Maha Pushkaralu, the efforts and euphoria among the government leaders, officials and even the devotees have been tremendously high. Already, several lakhs of devotees have taken the holy dip at nearly 144 pushkar ghats in five districts of Telangana.
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