Dressed in rugged black costumes and goggles, comedian turned action hero Sunil looks all macho with a well built physique as he poses along with the sexy sister of Bollywood diva Priyanka Chopra, Mannara Chopra, who made her Tollywood debut with Prema Geema Jaanta Nai. The couple is shooting for an untitled film in the direction of RGV’s Raksha fame Vamsi Akella.
Sunil, after ruling the Tollywood comedy world for more than a decade, successfully turned hero with hits like Maryada Ramanna, Poolarangadu and Tadakha. However, with back to back flops like Bhimavaram Bullodu and Mr. Pellikoduku, he is once again trying his luck with this film and another one in Dil Raju’s production.
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