Two months ago, actress Poonam Kaur and YSRCP leader Lakshmi Paravathi were harassed on social media platforms by a bunch of unknown people. On the one hand, Poonam Kaur went on to file a complaint with cyber crime wing, alleging that an audio tape of her, defaming Jana Sena Chief Pawan Kalyan is going rounds on the internet and it is ruining her reputation.
On the other hand, Lakshmi Parvathi too met DGP Mahender Reddy over sexual harassment on Facebook by a common man called Koti and asked for a severe penalty. She also filed a case against two Telugu Channels which telecasted alleged audio clips on her.
Today, Cyber Crime officials, after a thorough investigation, have now come to the conclusion that the man who harassed both the ladies are one and the same. Both Poonam and Lakshmi have reportedly told the same name to the cops and currently, the man, Koti, is absconding.
Also, another man is involved in the crime along with Koti and both of them reside in Filmnagar. However, the reason behind the mental torture is unknown. It is yet to find out if these accused men did it for money or out of personal grudge.
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