Model Poonam Pandey who rose to fame with several controversies is all set to start shooting for her debut Hindi movie. The untitled project will have some “bold” and “intense” scenes but won’t face any problems with the censor board.
“Yes, it’s an adult film, it’s a bold film but the script is very strong. I know people love to watch bold films, but for me, the script matters. The story of this film is great. My family is very happy with my debut film. They are saying it’s the right move,” Poonam told a popular News agency.
“I don’t think we will have to face any problem with the censor board. Yes, I agree we have some bold and intense scenes in the film but it should not create any problem,” she added. Jism fame director Amit Saxena is wielding the megaphone for the film.The film will go on the floors this week and some portions are scheduled to be shot in Mumbai and some outside Mumbai.
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