The popular reality show in Telugu Bigg Boss season six is coming to an end and the season finale will be aired today. Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja who is awaiting the release of his upcoming film Dhamaks is the chief guest of the show. Following the tradition of inviting celebrities to the finale, the makers invited Ravi Teja.
Now the news is that the winner of the show was leaked to social media even before the finale was aired. As per the information, singer Revanth is the winner and Srihan ended up as the show’s runner-up by bagging the second position.
It is known that votes play a vital role in deciding the winner of the show. A few days into the start of the sixth season, Revanth and Srihan became top contestants for the winner’s trophy. The two also played as per the expectations and competed with other.
However, Srihan was restricted to the second position and Revanth reportedly reached the top post and was declared the winner of the show. In the finale of the show which will be aired today, Revanth will be given the trophy and will walk out of the Bigg Boss house as the winner as per the social media trends.
Not just social media, but a few popular media outlets also said the same and dubbed singer Revanth as the winner of the show. Popular YouTuber Srihan is also one of the top contestants for the trophy. But he reportedly ended in the second position.
Singer Revanth shot to super fame with the Indian Idol singing competition. He won the title in the ninth season. Revanth became a popular name post the Pan-India release of magnum opus Baahubali. The Manohari song he sang became a sensation and brought him big fame.
With the same popularity, he entered the Bigg Boss house and gave tough competition to others. In votes as well he has been getting a good number of votes to stay in the house and eventually he won the Bigg Boss title as per the information that is doing rounds on social media. In a few hours, we will know whether the news is right or not.
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