Chatrapathi’s combination is going to be seen on the screen again but with a folk tale this time. Rajamouli has decided the working title for his upcoming Prabhas starrer film as ‘Bahu bali’ which means man with immense strength. Here after public and fans will get the updates on this film with this title. Arka media is going to produce this film with around 100 crores of budget. At present, pre-production is in progress. Even Prabhas is going to be seen in new look in this movie, he might be seen in beard as per the demands of the character.
Prabhas has all the physical requirements of a periodic figure like that we read in a folk tale. That is why he was chosen for this role. And Anushka will don the role of princess and fits the frame beside Prabhas in all angles. But to balance the heroism, there should be a villain with equal strength. Rana, has that physic and height that compete with Prabhas, which made Rajamouli to pick him as antagonist in the film.
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