Few days ago, a TV commercial featuring Prakash Raj endorsing the KFJ jewellery brand raked in a fire ball of controversies. In the ad that shows a father talking to Prakash Raj about his daughter’s marriage, Prakash Raj voices the father’s apprehension and says that ‘every girl who reaches her marrying age is a tension’.
Naturally, the ad witnessed a series of online protests from people of all sections. Noticing the backlash quickly, the company withdrew its ad. This however did not pacify the angry protestors. Clarifying about the ad finally, Prakash Raj said, “#kfj gold ad.With due respect to the concerns of all who have taken offence. I would like to state that it was not the intention. It is aimed at the mindset of people who think girl child is “tension”.
The actor explained further saying, “The ad clearly states it is the rate of gold u gift ..not the girl.” Prakash Raj, who is known for his outspoken and temperamental nature, signed off saying a few nice things about his critics and said, “I respect everyone who have questioned me.. And I promise it was not intended. Hope you see it in the context of its expression .. Thank you.”
While Prakash Raj’s tweets did calm down several protestors, many are still unhappy with the actor’s clarification.
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