Six months ago when actor Prakash Raj adopted a drought-hit village in Mahbubnagar district of Telangana, the news was all over the place. Then he had joined the legion of actors, celebrities who adopted villages under government’s initiative Gram Yojana.
Barely six months after adoption, when Gulte team visited Konda Reddy Palli in Kesampet Mandal of Mahbubnagar to find out the ground realities, much to the surprise and delight, we got to know that Prakash Raj has made a big difference in the lives of people there.
Just like his on screen persona, Prakash Raj yet again proved that he is not just one among all but he is one and only one. Proving that he’s different from the rest, he brought drastic changes in their lives for better.
From providing drinking water to making arrangements for basic sanitation in every household to planning to build a model high school in 2 acres, Prakash Raj has initiated major tasks that reform the people’s lives. After digging bore-wells to satiate the people’s thirst, Prakash Raj decided to supply drinking water through water tankers to households. Once in every 7-10 days, Prakash Raj make sure he visits the village and spends time with people and get to know their hardships.
When Gulte speak to a slew of villagers we get to know how Prakash Raj changed their lives. He doesn’t mind picking or dropping villagers in his car or even shaking hands, mingling with them.
As soon as he got to know that there is no proper commutation for the village, he saw to it that a road is laid with the support of Telangana government. Now with an aim that no girl or women shouldn’t suffer for lack of toilets, he decided to help government in building toilets for all. Now the work of toilets construction is going on at blitzkrieg speed.
Prakash Raj has appointed one person as his representative to look after the works and asked him to send updates, work progress constantly. When the people of village decided to invite Prakash Raj for Jathara (tribal festival) sometime back, he obliged and made his presence felt.
Knowing that the village has a school only upto primary education, he has bought 2 acres of land at his own expense and now building a model high school with all infrastructure which is expected to help students of Konda Reddy Palli and its neighbouring villages.
This is not all. When few poor families suffering to have shelter, Prakash Raj promised them of building houses as well. For others, he is also talking to banks and arranging loans. Prakash Raj is in constant touch with Panchayat Raj minister KT Ramarao and Mahbubnagar district collector and making sure all government schemes reach to people of Konda Reddy Palli.
Hence, it’s no wonder when people of Konda Reddy Palli call Prakash Raj a God! Well done, Prakash Raj. You deserve a big salute.
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