Jagan wife Bharati Reddy had attended court from morning and stayed there till evening missing her lunch. According to eye witnesses Bharati remained in the car when the bail was announced and cried with joy. Even his uncle Y S Vivekananda Reddy and other party leaders Balineni Srinivasul Reddy came to court .
At Lotus pond home of Jagan and office of YSRC there was all round jubilation .Jagan mother Vijayamma had been offering prayers at home since morning , Bharati, and Jagan sister Sharmila also joined her an the prayers . Jagans two daughters were also at the prayers at Lotus Pond where a room was converted into a prayer hall. Large number of party workers and leaders have gathered at the party office to celebrate Jagan bail .
Jagan bail hopes had been received with jubilation by the YSRC rank and file across the state and social media also went very hot since morning . Reports from districts also show that there was high voltage betting on Jagan bail and release at 1:20 particularly in Kadapa and East Godavari .party workers in Seemandhra and Telangana burst crackers, disbursed sweets.
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