Priyanka Chopra earned accolades in her Bollywood journey and even at the global front she earned laurels by winning People’s choice for Quantico. The diva was recently honoured with Padma Shri award for her hard work.
Chopra, who will next appear in ‘Jai Gangajal,’ as we all know, is very much frank and gutsy. The daddy’s lil girl is an inspiration for millions across the globe.Passion driven Chopra has done a lot for women empowerment and often said what she feels towards issues related to women.
Recently in an interview she cleared that she is an independent woman. When she was asked if the new ring adorned on her hand was a hint towards a man in her life, she stated that she doesn’t need a man to buy diamonds as she can buy them herself. She further said that the only reason she can have space for a guy in her life is for children. A matured answer by bold PeeCee.
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