The dismal and disappointing talk of Iddarammayilatho forced Puri Jagannadh to cut down his sentiment. From the movie Badri to Devudu Chesina Manushulu, Puri has a special role for Ali in every movie of his. In the films Idiot, Amma Nanna o Tamil Ammayi, Desamuduru, Chirutha Ali’s comedy clicked and helped the movie. He continued this trend even with the movie Iddarammayilatho and created a separate track for Ali which did not have any connection with the movie. He shot some scenes between Ali and Brahmanandam on Blue Mat and projected as if they were made in Spain.
But all the scenes were very distasteful and this is the first time Puri movie had such a worst comedy. There was lot of criticism and after taking lot of flak from people, the scenes between Ali and Brahmanandam got chopped off as a result.
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