Amid the coronavirus lockdown, Megastar Chiranjeevi recently joined Twitter. He received a warm welcome from all his fans, costars and other politicians. In fact, there have been constant exchanges of posts from fans, colleagues, directors, and pals of the industry to give the actor a warm welcome.
Among some of Megastar fans, who welcomed Chiru on Twitter is Puri Jagannath. He tweeted, “Sirrrrrrrrrrr @KChiruTweets welcome to social media. In this time of social distancing, social media will keep us close to you now.”
To his tweet, Puri received a rather saucy response from Chiru. His tweet reads, “Thank you @purijagan. Also it allows some great family time. You may be missing the beaches of Mumbai and Bangkok, but I am sure Pavitra and Aakash will be so happy to see you spending time at home.”
Megastar teased Puri for his wanderlust ways. And in a recent media interaction, Puri Jagganath admitted about an incident with his wife after Chiru’s tweet. Puri said that after seeing Chiru’s tweet, his wife Lavanya recollected all the things about his naughty things and became angry at that point of time. He even admitted that his wife has made his cheeks into the red. LOL. It seems Puri has a nice left and right session from his wife after Chiru’s tweet.
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