Puri Jagannath hails from Kottapalli village, Kotapuratla Mandal. His brother Umasankar Ganesh worked as TDP Mandal leader in the region before joining YSRCP. During his Oradrpu Yatra YS.Jagan particularly visited Puri’s native place Bikepalli. Later during Payakaraopeta byelections YS.Vijayamma along with her daughter YS.Sharmila stayed in Puri’s house. Jagan attended Puri Jagannath’s daughter function at Hyderabad. Buzz is Puri informed Jagan that if his brother Ganesh gets Narsipatnam assembly ticket, he would work for his victory.
Ganesh also turned Jagan’s loyalist and started meeting his family and even participated in Sharmila’s yatra in Kurnool, Mahaboobnagar districts. It has to be seen whether Puri who showcased his loyalty towards Jagan by including his wife’s still shaking hands with Jagan in CGR will allow his wife to contest elections or not.
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