As it is known to everyone, Malayalam star hero Fahadh Fasil will be seen as the main antagonist in the second part of ‘Pushpa’ movie series. The shooting is expected to kickstart soon and there are huge expectations on this film. Since ‘Pushpa – The Rise’ became a huge hit all over the nation, people are eagerly waiting to see the next part of the story. Sukumar reworked on the script and made it ready.
The Pooja ceremony for the second part is done recently and the story is expected revolve around the ego war between the characters of Pushparaj and Bhanwar Singh Shekawat. Also, there are Sunil, Anasuya and Dhananjay who will be seen as the enemies of the protagonist. Rao Ramesh is seen as the politician who backs Pushpa but sources claim that the team is planning to bring top actor to play a politician role who will be making things tough for Pushpa regarding the red sanders smuggling.
News is that they are considering Aadi Pinisetty and other well-known actors for this role. They are expected to finalize on the character and make an official announcement soon. Let us wait and see who it is going to be.
‘Pushpa’ is set in the backdrop of red sanders smuggling and it is released on a pan-Indian scale. It was dubbed in Tamil, Hindi, Kannada and Malayalam languages. Rashmika played the role of Srivalli in this film. Devi Sri Prasad is the music composer while Mythri Movie Makers are bankrolling both parts. The first part became a huge hit on a national level and the mannerisms of Allu Arjun became a rage among the audience. The songs are still trending on the charts and there are eager to see what happens next.
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