Mahesh Babu’s brother-in-law and his close aide Galla Jayadev, who is re-contesting for Guntur Parliamentary seat on TDP ticket, has made shocking comments during his poll campaign in Guntur. Galla alleged that his brother-in-law Mahesh Babu has been targeted in lieu of him and hence IT raids were conducted against Mahesh.
Galla Jayadev recalled how he had single-handedly raised his voice against Narendra Modi in Parliament and hence he and his family was targeted. Galla Jayadev said the Centre couldn’t do much as he has been paying taxes regularly and said he is among the highest tax paying individuals.
Galla Jayadev has released a book on his achievements and his work done in the last 5 years as Guntur MP. During the launch of the book, Jayadev said he had demanded for the MSP for Turmeric (Pasupu) and Chilli (Mirchi) in the Lok Sabha. He said he demanded for the setting up of Turmeric Research Centre in Duggirala. He also said that a whopping Rs 903 Crore has been spent for underground drainage system in Guntur. Jayadev has challenged his opponents to come for an open debate. He asked YCP’s MP candidate Modugula to tell what he had done to the people when he was an MLA and MP.
Overall, Galla’s comments are expected to create a stirr. By dragging Mahesh Babu’s name into the political campaign, Galla has put his brother-in-law in the soup.
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