Last night, director giant Rajamouli has stunned everyone with his gracious presence at “Ninnu Kori” pre-release event. For the love he has for hero Nani, the Baahubalian director graced the occasion as a chief guest.
Unlike launching an audio CD, the makers used their creativity to launch the First Day first show ticket for the movie. As you could notice in the picture, Rajamouli launched the larger-than-life size ticket of 8:45 AM show for Prasad’s Imax, Hyderabad. There maybe lots of creativity but this ticket is for sure invalid. Wonder why?
Nani and co have politely forgotten the GST thing and the ticket prices are going to be hiked to Rs 200 by the time Ninnu Kori hits cinemas. Now you could notice that the ticket launched by Rajamouli costs only 150 rupees, which is why cinema lovers are joking that it is invalid.
“Rich production values, Nani’s confidence that he could make us laugh with a joke and make us cry with an emotion are the assets of Ninnu Kori trailer. Though I didn’t find anything new in the trailer, it is somehow intriguing. I wish producer Danayya and distributors get huge profits” said Rajamouli, on this occasion.
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