The phenomenal blockbuster of India’s biggest motion picture Baahubali is still reaping the benefits for its director Rajamouli and lead actor Prabhas. While both Jakkanna and the Young Rebel Star are now national icons thanks to the success of Baahubali, the two stars have also found their names included in the Forbes India 2015 Celebrity 100 list for the first time.
In the latest Forbes India celebrity rankings, Tollywood’s numero uno director SS Rajamouli secured the 72nd rank with a yearly earnings of a whopping 26 crores. Meanwhile, Prabhas clinched the 77th position with total earnings of 24 crores in the year 2015.
Rajamouli’s money wise rank is 30, while his fame wise rank is 84. Likewise, Prabhas’ money wise rank is 33 and his fame wise rank is 88.
While Rajamouli earned such a huge amount by just directing and providing screenplay for Baahubali, Prabhas, who was rumoured to have been paid a bomb for Baahubali, further increased his back balance by signing his first brand endorsement deal with Mahindra and Mahindra for a whopping paycheck.
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