It was a very proud evening the other day for Telugu Cinema. Rajamouli took the stage at Rashtrapati Bhavan and received the National Award for his Baahubali – The Beginning. The movie also got another award for best visual effect while Krish’s Kanche got best Regional film in Telugu at the National Awards. After the event, Rajamouli spoke to the press.
He went on to say that all his stories are inspired from the stories narrated by his grand father and all of them are related to Indian history and country’s greatness. He also added that he never thought he will be a film director but those stories always travel along with him.
When asked if he is trying to go to Hollywood, the ace director revealed that it is never in his thoughts. He added that he wants to do films of Akbar, Maharana Pratap and other great kings who ruled the country. The director who is now famous across the country, is currently busy in the shooting of Baahubali – The Conclusion.
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