SS Rajamouli may be the most successful director in Tollywood right now. But the ace director is slightly going over board in dealing with the leak of 12 minutes footage of his Baahubali. It is said that an Ex-employee of a VFX company was involved in the leak and complaint was filed in the Cyber Crime Police Station regarding it.
So far it is good. But Rajamouli and his team of Baahubali have gone over board in threatening normal film enthuisasts. They have been posting warning messages about filing cases in case some one watches the video or post that links. It is the negligence of Baahubali team or a VFX company that lead to the leak. It is gross injustice to threaten the audience now.
They instead should have requested people to cooperate. This warning became a point of discussion in social media and may were really upset with Rajamouli. The ace director did similar mistake for Eega when he threatened NRI audience to confiscate their Visa if they watched the piracy of the film
It is definitely not good to upset fans and audience before the release of the film as this may affect adverse in case the movie gets divide talk. We will have to see if Rajamouli apologizes for the mistake. On the other side Baahubali is completed except for two songs. And the post production works are going on at full swing.
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