In a shocking decision, Superstar Rajinikanth may sign his next film under the direction of a young director named PA Ranjith. Until few days ago, rumours were rife that Rajini will team up with his Robo and Sivaji director Shankar and this were looking all set about the film to go on floors very soon.
Ranjith earlier made popular films like Atta Kathi and Karthi’s Madras. Both the films were appreciated for their content and direction. The director, who readied an offbeat script keeping Rajinikanth in mind, met the Superstar through Soundarya Rajinikanth’s. Thoroughly impressed with the young filmmaker’s script, Rajini immediately gave his nod.
More interesting news is that the film will go on floors soon in June and will be completed within 45 days. The script is touted to be high on artistic values sans the usual style and flashy gloss that is seen in Rajini’s films. Needless to say that Rajini’s teaming up with a young filmmaker gave a fresh lease of hope to many more young directors aspiring to direct stars of Rajini’s stature.
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