King Nagarjuna’s next film, Manmadhudu 2 was launched with a formal Pooja ceremony, in Hyderabad the other day. This movie will be directed by actor turned filmmaker, Rahul Ravindran. Nagarjuna is producing the film himself on his banner Annapurna Studios. Rahul has proved his directorial skill with the debut film Chi La Sow itself.
Rakul Preet Singh has been signed up to play the female lead in this movie. According to the sources, the actress is being paid a hefty sum of amount for the project. Initially, when she was approached, Rakul demanded about Rs. 2 crores as the remuneration, which is higher than her normal pay.
This made makers to consider other choices like Payal Rajput. But finally, they had to agree to Rakul’s condition as they felt she will be apt for the role. Meanwhile, Rakul, who has been staying away from Tollywood for more than a year, has scored a jackpot with comeback film itself.
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