Prince Mahesh’s ‘Brahmotsavam’ is on sets at the moment. As we know, Kajal Aggarwal, Samantha and Pranitha have been roped in as the female leads of this crazy project. Buzz is that Samantha, who has been busy with her previous commitments in Kollywood, maybe replaced by Rakul Preet Singh. However, there is no official info from the makers about this change.
‘Brahmotsavam’ is being directed by Srikanth Addala, who earlier directed super hit film ‘Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu’. Micky J Meyer has composed the music of the movie.
‘Brahmotsavam’ is being contemplated for release on April 29 as a summer gift to fans. The movie is being produced by Prasad V Potluri on PVP Cinema. Mahesh acts as the co-producer of the movie.
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