According to grapevine, actress Rakul Preet Singh is said to be in trouble. The Delhi girl is reportedly shunning the promotions of her upcoming film Rough which stars Aadi in the male lead. Irked with her behaviour, first-time producers are now planning to take up this issue with Producers’ Council and Movie Artistes’ Association. Our sources say that producers are even contemplating to lodge complaint against the Loukyam star.
A source close to production house says, ‘She has been dilly dallying our movie promotions. Although we have been trying for her for movie promotion but in vain. She is not making it and her manager Hari is citing silly reasons. With the release date fast-approaching, we have no other option but to approach Producers’ Council it seems.
We have already invested a lot on her and it’s we who roped in her into Telugu and later several other offers followed her.’ Looks like, a controversy is brewing between heroine Rakul Preet and producers of Rough. So far, Rakul has got clean image. Let’s see whether she sort out the issue amicably or courts a controversy.
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