Ram Charan has rung a new record in his career as the TV rights of Govindudu Andari Vadele has been sold out for a whopping Rs 9 Crore. Even before the movie hit the screens, the movie managed to rake in nine crore for producer Bandla Ganesh. Sources in the know revealed that Gemini TV has paid the hefty price and bagged the satellite rights of the film. “After a stiff competition, Gemini TV purchased the TV rights of Govindudu Andari Vadele. Given that the film is a family drama with action, comedy and sentiment, TV channels vied up to buy the film. This is a record price for Charan’s film,” said a source in production house on the condition of anonymity.
Ganesh, who has been mired in few legal issues for the past two days, got a sigh of relief with the news as he is now laughing all the way to the bank. Charan’s fans, who are already in festive mood ahead of the film’s release tomorrow, are going berserk with their matinee idol’s new record. Meanwhile, Govindudu Andari Vadele, directed by Krishna Vamsi, is heading up for massive release in over 2000 theatres world-wide on Wednesday on the eve of Dasara.
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